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MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 00:37

Why would you think I would try and defraud a customer? I have worked for OCZ since May of 2003 and it has always been my full intent to help our customers to the best of my ability. I am disheartened to think that if you have a problem you’d think I did it on purpose, but thank you for e-mailing me directly first so I can explain the situation.

From what I am seeing you got a PC-4000 VX Dual Channel Kit back. The part numbers printed on the sticker should be OCZ5001024ELDCGEVX-K. We program Dual Channel Kits with single module SPD at this point, so that is not a sign that you got the wrong kit. Does the kit work properly? "

Questa e' l'email di risposta dopo aver trovato un modulo delle mie ram difettoso, le ho rimandate indietro alla OCZ... oggi controllo bene le ram da loro inviate e scopro che mi hanno mandato un modello differente e cioe non un kit dual channel ma due singoli moduli simili, ma non uguali...

la loro fattura parla di :

OCZ PC-4000 EL Duak Channel DDR Gold Voltage eXtreme 512MBx2

sulle ram c'e' solo un adesivo che indica :

PC 4000
512MB dual CH Gold Edition VX 2-3-3-8

il problema e' questo, e' che non e' vero niente! quei filibustieri mi hanno inviato quelle ram probabilmente pensando che non controllassi e non mi accorgessi che sono un altro modello.



ma io dico, ma e' mai possibile commettere questi errori?! mi sarei aspettato tutt'altra professionalita'... voi che mi consigliate a questo punto? e poi magari devo pure spendere altri soldi a rimandare la' le ram...dovrebbero pagare tutto loro cavolo!

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 00:45
di Aragorn
in dual non vanno?

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 00:47
di `knives`
boo... io penso ad un errore.. dai...

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 00:50
Aragorn ha scritto:in dual non vanno?

cpuz legge la modalita dual, ma il modello e' un altro

il mio modello link

il modello che hanno inviato..sono singoli moduli


MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 00:52
di Aragorn
se vanno in dual pa ti potresti anche accontentare
prova a tirarle e vediamo che succede

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 00:58
Aragorn ha scritto:se vanno in dual pa ti potresti anche accontentare
prova a tirarle e vediamo che succede

tu ti accontenteresti dopo aver pagato le ram 250 euro?

certo poi ci si puo far andar bene tutto, ovvio che ci sono problemi ben piu gravi nella vita, ma cacchio, io non lo trovo affatto corretto... se compro x e x danneggiato, penso sia giusto ricevere x e non y.... cmq vabbe, magari sbagliero io a pensarla cosi...

mi ha appena scritto ancora il responsabile della ocz ancora e dice:

""We sent you a Dual Channel Kit, though, according to our shipping records. Our shipping records state that you received OCZ5001024ELDCGEVX-K, is this not correct? I understand what you are saying about the SPD file being different, but all of our memory, Dual Channel and Single, is now programmed as single modules. The kit you got was tested and packaged as a Dual Channel PC-4000 VX Kit.""

altra risposta ad una mia mail...

""A Dual Channel Kit was tested together at DDR500 speed with CL2-2-2 timings. A single module only has to pass specification under single module load, so may not work as well in Dual Channel mode when paired with another single module. As you own a Dual Channel Kit, as evidenced by the packaging and stickers, your two modules were pre-tested at DDR500, CL2-2-2 timings. This is very important as motherboards these days are very picky and benefit from RAM that is tested together at aggressive settings rather than two separate modules, which may not run well together at high speeds""

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 01:02
di Aragorn
no che nn mi accontenterei sarei fuori di me :(

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 01:17
""We sent you a Dual Channel Kit, though, according to our shipping records. Our shipping records state that you received OCZ5001024ELDCGEVX-K, is this not correct? I understand what you are saying about the SPD file being different, but all of our memory, Dual Channel and Single, is now programmed as single modules. The kit you got was tested and packaged as a Dual Channel PC-4000 VX Kit.""


""A Dual Channel Kit was tested together at DDR500 speed with CL2-2-2 timings. A single module only has to pass specification under single module load, so may not work as well in Dual Channel mode when paired with another single module. As you own a Dual Channel Kit, as evidenced by the packaging and stickers, your two modules were pre-tested at DDR500, CL2-2-2 timings. This is very important as motherboards these days are very picky and benefit from RAM that is tested together at aggressive settings rather than two separate modules, which may not run well together at high speeds""

a quanto mi pare di capire dice che non c'e' differenza tra i singoli moduli e quelli dual channel perche vengono programmati allo stesso modo
....mi par di capire cosi ma potrei non aver capito una mazza

se cosi fosse, sottolineo SE, non ci sarebbe un problema reale, ma solo di forma, nel senso che si tratterebbe solo di un nome o una sigla, ma poi le ram dovrebbero funzionare uguale chi me lo garantisce con certezza? caxxarola :? :evil:

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 15:53
di Langley
Caro Paolo... ne abbiamo gia' parlato ieri sera su msn e sono indignato quanto te... e ti quoto assolutamente... ora... proprio oggi ho scoperto un link che puo' essere alquanto utile... apro un nuovo topic.

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 18:14
di Langley
[ITA]SEREUPIN80 ha scritto:
""We sent you a Dual Channel Kit, though, according to our shipping records. Our shipping records state that you received OCZ5001024ELDCGEVX-K, is this not correct? I understand what you are saying about the SPD file being different, but all of our memory, Dual Channel and Single, is now programmed as single modules. The kit you got was tested and packaged as a Dual Channel PC-4000 VX Kit.""


""A Dual Channel Kit was tested together at DDR500 speed with CL2-2-2 timings. A single module only has to pass specification under single module load, so may not work as well in Dual Channel mode when paired with another single module. As you own a Dual Channel Kit, as evidenced by the packaging and stickers, your two modules were pre-tested at DDR500, CL2-2-2 timings. This is very important as motherboards these days are very picky and benefit from RAM that is tested together at aggressive settings rather than two separate modules, which may not run well together at high speeds""

a quanto mi pare di capire dice che non c'e' differenza tra i singoli moduli e quelli dual channel perche vengono programmati allo stesso modo
....mi par di capire cosi ma potrei non aver capito una mazza

se cosi fosse, sottolineo SE, non ci sarebbe un problema reale, ma solo di forma, nel senso che si tratterebbe solo di un nome o una sigla, ma poi le ram dovrebbero funzionare uguale chi me lo garantisce con certezza? caxxarola :? :evil:

Se cosi' fosse allora come mai venderli in modo separato??? Dai su se le memorie vengono messe come DUAL CHANNEL KIT ci sara' un motivo... :D

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 18:58
di DevilOsky
il kit ti da la garanzia al 100% di funzionare in dualchannel

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 19:19
DevilOsky ha scritto:il kit ti da la garanzia al 100% di funzionare in dualchannel

:roll: quindi?

MessaggioInviato: 14 feb 2006, 19:58
Langley ha scritto:
[ITA]SEREUPIN80 ha scritto:
""We sent you a Dual Channel Kit, though, according to our shipping records. Our shipping records state that you received OCZ5001024ELDCGEVX-K, is this not correct? I understand what you are saying about the SPD file being different, but all of our memory, Dual Channel and Single, is now programmed as single modules. The kit you got was tested and packaged as a Dual Channel PC-4000 VX Kit.""


""A Dual Channel Kit was tested together at DDR500 speed with CL2-2-2 timings. A single module only has to pass specification under single module load, so may not work as well in Dual Channel mode when paired with another single module. As you own a Dual Channel Kit, as evidenced by the packaging and stickers, your two modules were pre-tested at DDR500, CL2-2-2 timings. This is very important as motherboards these days are very picky and benefit from RAM that is tested together at aggressive settings rather than two separate modules, which may not run well together at high speeds""

a quanto mi pare di capire dice che non c'e' differenza tra i singoli moduli e quelli dual channel perche vengono programmati allo stesso modo
....mi par di capire cosi ma potrei non aver capito una mazza

se cosi fosse, sottolineo SE, non ci sarebbe un problema reale, ma solo di forma, nel senso che si tratterebbe solo di un nome o una sigla, ma poi le ram dovrebbero funzionare uguale chi me lo garantisce con certezza? caxxarola :? :evil:

Se cosi' fosse allora come mai venderli in modo separato??? Dai su se le memorie vengono messe come DUAL CHANNEL KIT ci sara' un motivo... :D

su un noto forum ho chiesto anche li informazioni ...una persona di supporto sempre della ocz ha scritto questo, te cosa ne pensi?

Originally Posted by [ITA]SEREUPIN80
and okm another support man from ocz said me that DC and EL are the same... just a question, why do you sell Dual channel kit and Single if they are the same and there arent differences?!

thank you very much
I did not say they were the same...or I did not mean to if that is the way it came out.
Dual Channel kits are just programmed with Single stick Part numbers now in the SPD...which is what you were seeing in CPU-z.
They are still matched at the office to ensure compatibility and the same batch/IC

Is that more clear?