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News: Internet a 530MB al secondo?

MessaggioInviato: 21 giu 2004, 19:01
di Staff
<br>L'operatore di comunicazioni Sprint e lo Swedish National Research and Education Network, hanno stabilito un nuovo record di velocità di trasferimento dati via internet. Il test è stato effettuato su normale network pubblico e con normali componenti hardware. Le due società sono riuscite a trasferire, tra un PC situato in California ed uno in Svezia, 840GB di dati in 27 minuti raggiungendo la velocità di circa 530MB al secondo.<p>

MessaggioInviato: 26 lug 2004, 15:56
di Ganjia
8O Cioè hanno viaggiato 4,24 Gbit/sec?????????
Poveri switch e poveri router... :cry:

Skerzo, cmq meglio così, vuol dire ke ce ne vuole prima d saturare la banda!! :twisted:

MessaggioInviato: 26 lug 2004, 17:21
di cb_123
E pensare che noi riusciamo malapena a raggiungere un decimo di quella velocità nel trasferimento di dati tra un HD ed un altro. 8O

MessaggioInviato: 26 set 2004, 13:41
di Ghost
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O mmmmm mi sa mi sa ke contatterò al + PRESTO queste aziende. :lol:

MessaggioInviato: 01 gen 2005, 18:35
di Nokia-xp
con normali componenti hardware ?
se con normali intendo un raid scsi ultra 320..... ok

MessaggioInviato: 01 gen 2005, 19:25
di Aragorn
x me il mio hd mi muore
se provo a quella velocità

MessaggioInviato: 01 gen 2005, 19:50
di Nokia-xp
ma il mio non ci arriva nemmeno a quella velocità...

MessaggioInviato: 02 gen 2005, 00:49
di cb_123
Non preoccuparti nokia, non c'è nessun hd che arriva ad una velocità paragonabile a quella. :)

MessaggioInviato: 02 gen 2005, 01:34
di Nokia-xp
raid scsi ultra 320 in configurazione raid 0 riesce.. ma non è hardware normale.. ma di alto livello...

MessaggioInviato: 02 gen 2005, 01:49
di cb_123
Non ho visto prove in merito, però secondo me nemmeno due scsi ultra 320 in raid 0 non riescono a trasferire dati ad una velocità del genere a causa della limitata velocità del trasferimento dati all'interno degli hd.

Sarebbe interessante vedere la velocità di lettura e scrittura di un sistema scsi ultra 320 (anche senza la configurazione in raid 0) per rendersi conto di quanto sia la velocità reale di queste periferiche.

MessaggioInviato: 02 gen 2005, 01:52
di Nokia-xp
ovvio che il controller sarà un pci a 64 bit, con 128mb di buffer o più, ecc, ecc, ecc

MessaggioInviato: 02 gen 2005, 03:42
di Ghost
Non ho visto prove in merito

Eccole :lol:

Internet Land Speed Record:
On April 14, 2004, SUNET transferred around 840 Gigabytes of data in less than 30 minutes, using a single TCP stream between one host at the Luleå University of Technology (LTU) in Sweden (close to the Arctic circle), and one host connected to a Sprint PoP in San Jose, CA, USA. The network path used is the GigaSunet backbone - shared with other users of the Swedish universites, and the SprintLink core network, used by all the customers of Sprintlink.

The transfer was done with the ttcp program, available for many different platforms. We have chosen to use NetBSD for our tests, due to the scalability of the TCP code. ttcp is usually included in Unix and Linux systems. Windows users can download a Win32 version from pcusa.

Network path:
The path spans across two continents, Europe and the US, as shown in this picture:


traceroute to, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 0.236 ms
2 ( 0.424 ms
3 ( 0.575 ms
4 ( 2.366 ms
5 ( 2.369 ms
6 ( 42.294 ms
7 ( 42.728 ms
8 ( 54.263 ms
9 ( 54.265 ms
10 ( 104.294 ms
11 ( 104.264 ms
12 ( 106.555 ms
13 ( 106.525 ms
14 ( 106.836 ms
15 ( 126.406 ms
16 ( 126.544 ms
17 ( 149.763 ms
18 ( 151.193 ms
19 ( 153.001 ms
20 ( 152.933 ms
21 ( 221.801 ms
22 ( 221.866 ms
23 ( 237.432 ms
24 ( 226.842 ms
25 ( 226.808 ms
26 ( 401.930 ms
27 ( 230.289 ms
28 ( 236.246 ms
29 ( 236.282 ms
30 ( 241.014 ms
31 ( 241.052 ms
32 ( 346.130 ms
33 ( 248.705 ms
34 ( 289.444 ms
35 ( 256.332 ms
36 ( 256.336 ms
37 ( 346.368 ms
38 ( 260.723 ms
39 ( 318.898 ms
40 ( 276.138 ms

All routers in the path are Cisco high-end routers. Note that this is a path shared with other users of the GigaSunet and Sprint networks! The following graph shows one of the links in the GigaSunet core during the day (several transmissions were done) - showing the record-traffic shared with the normal usage


According to the Internet2 LSR contest rule #5A, IPv4 TCP single stream, we acheived the following results, using a publically available snapshot of the upcoming version of the 2.0 version of the NetBSD operating system, and using a MTU of 4470 bytes:

838860800000 bytes in 1588 real seconds = 4226 Mbit/sec

The complete output from ttcp during the transmission as seen from the transmitter and the receiver. The test run lasted 1588 seconds (26 minutes, 28 seconds).
A tcpdump output is available for the first 20MB of a transmission, both in raw tcpdump format and as readable tcpdump output.

Internet2 Land speed record submission:
According to contest rule #7, the distance should be calculated as the terrestrial distance between the cities where we do router hops. Referring to the Great Circle Mapper, the distance is 16,343 km (10,157 miles). We have then used the airport of the city in question as it's location.

Record submitted for the IPv4 single stream class is 69.073 Petabit-meters/second (which is a 12% increase of the previous record).

Compared to the previous record, we can note that we acheived this, using less powerful end hosts, with 150% longer distance, and we used only about half the MTU size (which generates heavier CPU-load on the end-hosts). Most notable is perhaps that our result was acheived on the normal GigaSunet and Sprintlink production infrastructures, shared by millions of other users of those networks.

End system hardware and configuration:
The end hosts are off-the-shelf Dell 2650 servers, each with only a single Intel Xeon 2.0 GHz processor, 512 Mbyte of RAM and using the Intel PRO/10GbE LR network adapters.

NetBSD operating system configuration (apart from default configuration, available in the snapshots as of April 2004):

Kernel compile-time parameters:

options MCLSHIFT=12 # Increase MBUF-cluster size to 4k.
options NMBCLUSTERS=65536 # Increase number of buffers.
dge* at pci? dev ? function ? # Intel PRO/10GbE network adapter
Sysctl parameters:

net.inet.tcp.init_win=30000 # Tune TCP startup time
kern.sbmax=300000000 # Max memory a socket can use, 300MB
kern.somaxkva=300000000 # Max memory for all sockets togeather, 300MB
net.inet.tcp.sendspace=150000000 # Size if transmit window, 150MB
net.inet.tcp.recvspace=150000000 # Size of receive window, 150MB
net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=20000 # Max length of interface queue
Ifconfig settings:

ifconfig dge0 ip4csum tcp4csum udp4csum link0 link1 mtu 4470 up

ip4csum, tcp4csum, udp4csum # Enable hardware checksums
link0, link1 # Set PCI-X burst size to 4k.
We noted that it is the PC hardware (excluding the Intel PRO/10GbE network adapter) that is the limiting factor in our setup. The operating system, the network adapter, as well as the network itself, including the routers, are capable of handling more traffic than this, but the PCI-X bus and the memory bandwith in the end hosts are currently the bottlenecks.

Summary, according to Internet2 standards:
14 April 2004
Record Set: IPv4 Single Stream
I2-LSR Record: 69.073 petabit-meters/second
Team Members
Network Distance: 16,343 kilometers
Data transferred: 838.86 Gigabytes (838860800000 bytes)
Time: 1588 seconds
Software notes:
operating system: NetBSD as of April 2004 (upcoming 2.0 version)
application: ttcp
Hardware notes:
Dell 2650 servers (both sender and receiver), each with single Intel Xeon 2.0 GHz CPU. and 512 Mbytes of RAM
Network interfaces: Intel® PRO/10GbE LR

Io non so con la mia alice....mi sento na kekka.... :cry: