<p>Coolermaster poprone la soluzione per tenere al fresco i nostri laptop, NotePal W1 con il suo design ergonomico e la sua struttura in alluminio, riesce ad abbassare la temperatura fino a 7°.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="http://www.amdplanet.it/art_img/sergio-news/test.jpg" width="500" height="377" /></p>
<p>Di seguito il comunicato stampa:</p>
<p><em>It's common for people to have both desktop PC and laptop at the same time; the first for its greater capacity and the other for its mobility. Cooler Master provides the thermal solutions not only for PC users, but also for laptop owners. Can't stand it that your laptop runs too hot and the tiny fan doesn't provide much help? Cooler Master's NotePal series can provide you with the silent solution to reduce the temperature quietly and efficiently as well as enhancing your notebook's durability and stability.</em></p>
<p align="left"><em>NotePal W1 is the world's first customized widescreen notebook cooler. The curvy all aluminum design helps to pull heat away from the laptop. When it comes to testing the unit, as expected, the temperature on the underside of the laptop was much lower with the cooler in use. NotePal W1 can reduce the temperature of the notebook up to 7°C!</em></p>
<p align="left"><em>We always have our customer's best interest and comfort in mind. With the NotePal W1 ergonomic design, it offers the best in comfort by helping to minimize the pain and strain experienced from heavy use of notebook . Once you've experienced the NotePal, you will never go anywhere without it.</em></p>
<p align="center"><img src="http://www.amdplanet.it/art_img/sergio-news/198bec3a36f85fdc1cc95ef4cd6191a8.jpg" width="500" height="375" /></p>
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