News: Roadmap AMD

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News: Roadmap AMD

Messaggiodi Staff il 31 gen 2003, 23:18

<br>Con un comunicato stampa ufficiale, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) annuncia una precisa tabella di marcia nella scalata del mondo a 64bit.<br>
Opteron verrà presentato il 22/04 mentre Athlon64 farà la sua comparsa verso settembre.<br>
L'AthlonXP 3000+, basato su core Barton, verrà presentato il 10/02, mentre per il 3200+ si dovrà aspettare la metà dell'anno.<p>
Questo l'annuncio ufficiale:<p>
<blockquote><i>SUNNYVALE, CA -- January 31, 2003 --AMD (NYSE:AMD) today announced that the worldwide introduction of its next-generation, 64-bit AMD Opteron™ processor for servers and workstations will take place on April 22 in New York City. AMD plans to follow up with the introduction of the AMD Athlon™ 64 processor for the desktop and mobile markets in September 2003. <br><br>

AMD also announced today that it will introduce the AMD Athlon XP processor 3000+ on February 10 and the AMD Athlon XP processor 3200+ in mid-2003. These processors, based on the core code-named “Barton,” feature additional integrated cache memory for industry-leading performance.<br> <br>

“With the enhanced features of the AMD Athlon XP processor, AMD will extend its leadership position in high-performance PC processor solutions,” said Rob Herb, executive vice president, chief sales and marketing officer for AMD. <br><br>

AMD expects that the AMD Opteron processor will be the highest-performing server and workstation processor in its class, will expand our competitive position in these markets, and will help establish AMD’s leadership role in 64-bit computing for the enterprise. <br><br>

“AMD believes the future of computing, from high-end servers to mainstream desktop and notebook PCs, will be based on pervasive 64-bit computing. We expect to work with our customers and partners to bring the benefits of 64-bit computing to end users worldwide,” Herb said.
AMD Planet Staff
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