News: Radeon 9500@9700 via SOFTWARE!

<br>Sapevo della possibilità di una cosa simile, ma non ho voluto dire nulla nelle news precedenti per non alimentare desideri di cui non ero certo... ma a quanto pare avevo ragione, ragazzi, è bastato cambiare il device ID nei drivers, ed ecco la modifica via SOFTWARE!<br>
Ora non c'è bisogno più ne di saldature, ne di vernice conduttiva, ne di aggiornare il bios.
<br>Maggiori informazioni a questo <a href="">link</a>
Now you do not have to solder, use conductive glue, to flash a new BIOS and so on. A smart software developer has found a way to enable all eight rendering pipelines of the R300 VPU by modifying the drivers. In fact, the main idea of this “mod” is, again, in changing DeviceID of the graphics processor. In all previous cases we either forced the DeiviceID by soldering the appropriate resistors, or modified it in the BIOS. However, since the driver of the RADEON 9500/9700 graphics card reads the ID from somewhere, there is a lot of sense to simply modify the driver itself, what just was accomplished a few hours ago.
Ora non c'è bisogno più ne di saldature, ne di vernice conduttiva, ne di aggiornare il bios.
<br>Maggiori informazioni a questo <a href="">link</a>
Now you do not have to solder, use conductive glue, to flash a new BIOS and so on. A smart software developer has found a way to enable all eight rendering pipelines of the R300 VPU by modifying the drivers. In fact, the main idea of this “mod” is, again, in changing DeviceID of the graphics processor. In all previous cases we either forced the DeiviceID by soldering the appropriate resistors, or modified it in the BIOS. However, since the driver of the RADEON 9500/9700 graphics card reads the ID from somewhere, there is a lot of sense to simply modify the driver itself, what just was accomplished a few hours ago.