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News: Spyware con ATi Control Panel?

MessaggioInviato: 17 gen 2003, 16:50
di Staff
Sembra che gli ultimi drivers control panel di ATi contengano uno spyware, che provi a connettersi ad un sito della microsoft.<br>
Tale news è stata <a href="">rilevata</a> da alcuni utenti del forum di Rage3d.<br>
Quindi non confermiamo in alcun modo quanto detto sopra, riporto comunque a riguardo alcuni post presi dal link sopra, tanto più che molti monitorando le connessioni sui propri pc non hanno notato nulla di strano.
Ok, here are the facts:
- Catalyst 3.0a ( + CPanel<br>
- Every D3D application you start will try to open a connection to<br>
- OGL Aplications won't<br>
- DX8, 8.1, 9 doesn't matter<br>
- WMP6, 8, 9 doesn't matter<br>
- AntiSpy used or not doesn't matter<br>
- XP SP1 or not doesn't matter<br>
- FW: Tiny, Outpost, Sygate, ... doesn't matter ;P<br>
added - XP Antispy used + additional tweaking to be sure nothing connects home<br>
added - happened after installing CPanel, stoped after uninstalling it<br>
It hasnt tried to access the net when I launched any programs, but it did when I opend the ATI control panel which was unusual.
I see absolutely no sign of the alleged report using Cat 3.0's (6255) + DX 9.0.

Using both tcpdump and ntop on my gateway server, there is no internet activity while launching the control panel, advanced display properties, making changes... nor when I launched and ran 3DMark or launched and ran Morrowind.

It sounds more like someone has XP's auto-update notification, time synchronization enabled on the system clock, or a virus running off an activeX object (i.e. these can ride on IE background processes which can hit MS incorrectly as some are hacked versions of the windows update process)