News: Maxtor MaxLine III

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News: Maxtor MaxLine III

Messaggiodi Staff il 21 giu 2004, 18:46

<br>A breve Maxtor introdurrà la nuova linea di Hard-Disk della serie MaxLine III, con interfacce P-Ata e S-Ata, con capacità di 250 e 300GB. Le nuove unità avranno 16MB di memoria buffer e regime di rotazione dei piatti di 7200g/m. I modelli S-Ata utilizzeranno una nuova tecnologia in grado di aumentare sensibilmente le prestazioni.<p>
<blockquote><i>Native SATA With SATA II Features, Large Capacity and
Reliability for Midline and Nearline Applications<p>
MaXLine III drives provide large-capacity enterprise disk storage ideally suited for midline and nearline applications that require increased performance
beyond traditional optical and tape solutions, as well as higher reliability than traditional desktop hard drives. MaXLine III drives provide IT managers with faster, more efficient alternatives to traditional backups,
such as point-in-time copies, snapshot clones and remote replication.<br>
Businesses also have the option of maintaining more information on midline storage to supplement their online storage, offering them greater flexibility in managing their data. The third-generation MaXLine drives
offer up to 300GB storage capacity designed for Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) of 1 million hours* for low I/O duty cycle midline and nearline applications. Offered with a three-year limited warranty, MaXLine III drives are available in either parallel or serial ATA interfaces.<p>
Maxtor MaxCommand™ technology<br>
• Native command queuing<br>
• Adaptive cache algorithms <br>
• Support for increased cache
• Read streaming performance
SATA II features<br>
• Native command queuing<br>
• Hot plug<br>
• Staggered spin-up<br>
• Asynchronous recovery<p>
• 1 million hours MTTF*
at low duty cycle <br>
• S.M.A.R.T. features
Best-fit enterprise applications<br>
• Reference storage applications<br>

• Email archive<br>

• Data warehousing<br>

• Point-in-time copy<br>

• Snapshot clones<br>

• Remote replication<br>

• Disk-to-disk-to-tape<br>

• Video security applications<br>

• Entry-level RAID applications<br>

• Entry-level NAS environments<br>

• High-end workstations</i></blockquote><p>
Per ulteriori dettagli andate <a href="">qui</a>.<p>
AMD Planet Staff
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