di liscio il 26 set 2004, 17:10
ho contattato la maxtor ke (prontamente) mi ha risposto dicendo ke il powerMax e le altre utility maxtor non supportano la maggior parte dei controller sata raid integrati.
cito la parte relativa del messaggio email ke ho ricevuto dalla maxtor:
"At the moment these utilities will also not support most of the latest chipsets. If you have a problem getting your drive recognised on your particular chipset, extract the file chipset.drv from the attached .zip file and copy to the floppy with your WVSET, AMSET, UDMAUPDT or DMA_SET utility.
NOTE: This file does not include support for nForce2 and the latest VIA chipsets, these are not supported by any of our utilites. In these cases you will have to install the drive on another system to run the utility.
2. PowerMax v 4.09 will not provide support for many embedded or add in RAID controllers. It also doesn't provide support for NVIDIA nForce 3, nForce 4 or the latest VIA chipsets (KT600 or newer). If the hard disk is connected to an unsupported controller, it will have to be moved to an alternate system or controller for diagnosis. "
XP 3200+, DFI LanParty NFII Ultra B, 2gb ddr dc, 2x160gb Sata Raid 0, mx900, case autoprodotto interamente in plexiglass, vlsys zephyrus, zalman zm80D, 8 x UV-neon.
Let's make it reactive.
mmmm 4 megabit