ciao a tutti stamattina nella mia posta di hotmail ho trovato questa mail :
Virus Notification
A DGTFX Virus has been detected in your folders. Your email account has to be upgraded to our new Secured NORTON anti-virus 2012 version to prevent damages to our web mail log and to your important files. Click your reply tab, Fill the columns below and send back to us or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus.
Full Name: ...................................
User name: ...............................
Password: ..................................
Reconfirm Password: ..................
Date Of Birth...............................
Note that your password will be encrypted with 1024-bit RSA keys for your password safety.
All HOTMAIL User Should Reply Now !!!
Failure to do this will immediately render your Hotmail Account deactivated from our database under 24hrs.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Warning Code :ID67565434
Windows Live Account Support.
Copyright ©2012
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