di Chris il 29 nov 2004, 02:58
Si,ma hanno paragonato una loro vecchia recensione dell'sp97,non li hanno testati insieme,quindi possono essere cambiate molte circostanze,una di queste e' la temperatura della camera:
"During the testing of the SI-97, the room temperature is 28 Celcuis. I am very suprice that the idle temperature of the SI-97 is only 33 Celcius. The loading temperature is take with the testing of the Prime 95 together with the 3DMark 05. The temperature does not exist 43 Celcius during the loading of the CPU. So, it was a excellent result from the SI-97."
"During the testing of the SP-97, the room temperature is 31 Celcuis. I am very suprice that the idle temperature of the SP-97 is only 36 Celcius. The loading temperature is take with the testing of the Prime 95 together with the 3D Mark 03. The temperature does not exist 45 Celcius during the loading of the CPU. So, it was a excellent result from the SP-97.
Poi l'sp97 dai idle a full aumenta di 8°C,l'si97 di 9°C con 3°C in meno nella stanza...
Io aspetterei recensioni + serie con i dissipatori provati nelle stesse identiche condizioni per dare un giudizio...