HardOCP ha pubblicato un <a href="http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=NDQ3"> articolo</a> inerente all'ABIT NF7-S nella sua revision 1.2<br>Questa minor relase della scheda madre di Abit introduce interessanti novità sul fronte overclocking.<p>
<img src="http://www.hardocp.com/images/articles/1047961182NwVaVZ0gmx_1_2_l.jpg">
<p><blockquote><i> Being a long time NF7-S version 1.0 user, I had some high expectations coming in to this review. I was not disappointed in the least. The overall board layout did not change, which was a mixed bag. The addition of the mounting holes around the socket was a nice touch, especially when coupled with the increase voltage settings in the BIOS. Can anyone say "water cooling"?