Un contest per provare il nuovo OCZ Nia

Calling All Gamers, OCZ Technology Announces the “Win with the nia” Contest For a Chance to Score Cash and Prizes 


Sunnyvale, Calif.—August, 2008—OCZ Technology Group, Inc., a worldwide leader in innovative ultra-high performance and high reliability memory, components, and systems, today announced its latest contest, “Win with the nia,” where competing gamers can use the revolutionary Neural Impulse Actuator to compete at  national and regional levels for prize money and OCZ computer products. Gamers from all over the world will have the chance to put their nias to the test at LAN parties and e-sport competitions around the world, showing the gaming world just how incredible this new input device is at increasing immersion and lessening reaction times in the top PC titles.  


The OCZ nia is an innovative new gaming peripheral, that is not a substitute for a mouse and keyboard but rather a pioneering new peripheral designed to provide an immersive experience for gamers. Train yourself by harnessing the power of your own biopotentials (electrical signals generated by activity patterns in muscles, brain, eyes) and OCZ will reward gamers who place in the top three places in global, national, and regional LAN levels using their nia.


 Please visit the "Win with the NIA" Contest page here for a complete list of rules, contest details, and qualifying LAN Events.

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Scritto da diegofio | il 2008-08-05 12:24:34 |

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