Socket A ha pubblicato oggi una recensione della scheda madre ABIT KG7-RAID, basata sul chipset AMD760.
La scheda è ancor oggi una delle più performanti e stabili, ed è dotata di molte features per overclocker.

ABIT has put out yet another stellar Socket A board with the KG7 RAID. Since I am a cheapskate, and I don't mind onboard audio, I have included that as both a plus and minus. Some of you hate it, others like me kinda appreciate having it there. It seems that ABIT has been making one of the top Athlon supporting boards since the Athlon's birth. The KG7 RAID is a stable, high quality board with excellent performance and some of the best overclocking features you will find anywhere. If you are looking for a DDR board buy this one!


Scritto da netvandal | il 2002-01-16 14:31:00 |

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