Hammer nel 2003 ?

Su Ace's Hardware è stata pubblicata una news dove viene messa in risalto una cosa interessante: i processori AMD di ottava generazione potrebbero tardare il loro ingresso nel mercato a causa della mancata concessione da parte di Intel del set di istruzioni SSE2, al momento esclusivo del processore Pentium4, fino al 2003:

Already at the time AMD anounced to support SSE with the palomino-core a high Intel-manager foamed at the edge [brink?]: "Everything, what they do, is to copy us!" In those days AMDs decision was made public several days after the expiration of a patent exchange agreement. After inquiry Jan Gütter denied to explain how his company come to a licence for SSE2. But the AMD-spokesman sees no problems in this respect. It's possible, that Intel still exclusively reserved SSE2 for the year 2002, and that therefore AMD can only come up with corresponding processor [=with SSE2] in 2003.


Scritto da Fabio | il 2002-01-16 14:33:00 |

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