ATI Mobility Radeon 7500

Extreme Tech ha pubblicato, a questo indirizzo, una interessante recensione della scheda grafica ATI Mobility Radeon 7500, dedicata al mondo dei laptop.
Leggendo la recensione pare evidente che il primato per schede video dedicate ai PC portatili è conteso tra la GF2GO e questo nuovo chip di ATi, forse con un leggero vantaggio per quas'ultima.

The battle for graphics supremacy is an ongoing one, where territory is won and lost on a generation-by-generation basis. In this go-round, ATI scores a decisive victory as the premiere mobile 3D graphics platform. But most victories in the graphics universe are short-lived, and can hardly be savored before the rivals must lace 'em up again for the next round. In fact, in the next round the MR7500 will face much stiffer competition from nVidia's NV-17M mobile platform, which will feature nVidia's new Video Processing Engine (VPE), which can perform per-pixel operations to determine whether a given pixel is best de-interlaced using bob or weave technique, much like ATI's Video Immersion technology. According to an nVidia press release, NV-17M will have "custom antialiasing hardware designed specifically for notebook computers." As to whether this will be some implementation of nVidia's Quincunx method of FSAA remains to be seen. With its 250MHz peak core clock, the NV-17M and the MR7500 should match up more evenly. Toshiba has been announced as a "launch partner", meaning that the laptop maker will more than likely have a mobile offering ready to go some time in February.


Scritto da netvandal | il 2002-01-17 14:41:00 |

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