AMD MB ha pubblicato una recensione della scheda madre ECS K7VTA3 Rev2 .
La scheda si basa sul chipset VIA KT266A, è abbastanza stabile ma di certo non tra le più veloci.
Based on this information, where does the ECS K7VTA3 Rev2 land in terms of the DIY market for our Athlon motherboards? It is still a very fast board when compared to the rest of the line up we have reviewed here, but it is definitely not the fastest. It is a very stable board, as we would expect from a manufacturer with so much OEM experience. The overclocking options on the board (or lack thereof) will surely turn some potential buyers away from the ECS K7VTA3 Rev2. And while future ECS boards will offer these kinds of features, that wonÂ’t and shouldnÂ’t affect your purchasing decision for the here and now.