I futuri prezzi della linea di processori AMD

The Inquirer ha pubblicato alcune informazioni riguardo i prezzi che verranno applicati da AMD a partire dal 27 Gennaio 2002:

AMD dealer pricing 28th of January
AMD Duron 1.0GHz Tray $60
AMD Duron 1.1GHz Tray $72
AMD Duron 1.2GHz Tray $82
AMD Athlon XP1700+/1.47GHz Tray $130
AMD Athlon XP1700+/1.47GHz Box $142
AMD Athlon XP1800+/1.53GHz Tray $166
AMD Athlon XP1800+/1.53GHz Box $175
AMD Athlon XP1900+/1.60GHz Tray $230
AMD Athlon XP1900+/1.60GHz Box $240
AMD Athlon XP2000+ Tray $280

The Euro distributor has no details of XP2000+ boxed prices, suggesting a redesign is, indeed, on the way.
Boxed products include fan+sink and a three year warranty


Scritto da Fabio | il 2002-01-22 08:58:00 |

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