Recensione Tyan Tiger MPX

La Tiger MPX è la scheda madre Tyan con a bordo il nuovo chipset AMD760MPX, diciamo pure una versione più economica del 760MP. a questo indirizzo ha provveduto a pubblicarne la recensione, fra l'altro molto dettagliata.

You know, the Tiger MPX has proven to be a very stable and reliable motherboard for me. Almost to a fault. So much so that it is almost anticlimactic. I don't mean this to sound like a bad thing, but from all of the hype surrounding the release of these MPX motherboards I was expecting, well, more.
Should you upgrade from a Tiger MP to the Tiger MPX? Probably not. Is the Tiger MPX a stable and reliable foundation for your next duallie? Yes, it is. With a bit of tweaking, the TMPX could be a better platform then its predecessor. I mean, it adds onboard LAN and supports unbuffered DDR. But there is that nagging USB thing.
The USB issue is the only thing I could find to count against this board. I know it is not a Tyan thing, or an Asus (MSI, Epox, Gigabyte) thing. It is a problem with the chipset. I was just a little disappointed that Tyan didn't try to make the best of a bad situation and include a USB 2.0 card.

As always, Tyan has produced a no-frills, solid as a rock motherboard. With only one little problem ;-)


Scritto da Fabio | il 2002-01-22 19:14:00 |

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