AMD e Intel: testa a testa ?
The Inquirer a questo indirizzo ha pubblicato un'interessante analisi della situazione attuale e futura delle due principali rivali nel mercato dei processori: AMD ed Intel.
We've published further details of Intel's roadmap in Q4 - we haven't seen the equivalent Q4 for AMD yet. The Intel variant says that there will be speeds 2.53GHz and greater at the highest performance level, and we presume the target is 3GHz. AMD will need to get its act together on the Clawhammer - it does now seem to us it is on target to deliver round about that time frame.
But the introduction of the Hammer technology next year gives an interesting twist to that equation - and whether it will be possible to compare AMD architecture with Intel architecture as directly as we've done with the deskop CPU maps above is highly unlikely, it seems to us