Comparazione sk video con motore Unreal

AnandTech ha pubblicato una comparazione fra 15 modelli di schede grafiche differenti. L'unico punto a sfavore di questo articolo è l'utilizzo di drivers datati soprattutto per le schede video "Made by ATi".

With that said we have discovered a few interesting things through this initial investigation of performance:

1) The Radeon 8500 does exceptionally well, only losing out to the GeForce3 Ti 500 at the highest resolution. The only question that remains is whether the performance will remain high with the fog issues fixed.
2) The original GeForce3, although very expensive for those that were early adopters, ends up being one of the top performers out of today's GPUs. It's good to know that not all year old technology is obsolete.
3) If these results are any indication, moving forward, GPU clock will actually play a much more important role than it has in the past. A delicate balance between GPU clock and memory clock, such as what was made possible on the GeForce3, will be ideal to obtain.
4) The low-end ATI and NVIDIA solutions don't perform very well at all, thus making it worth while to upgrade to one of the higher end cards.


Scritto da Fabio | il 2002-01-24 14:14:00 |

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