Apple, AMD e X86-64 ?

The Inquirer a questo indirizzo parla dei futuri e possibili accordi che Apple potrebbe fare con AMD: le nuove cpu Hammer, con HyperTransport in primis, interessano molto il caro Steve Jobs. Che si direbbe di un OS X-64 ?

But Apple will have a brand new OS X-64, an untouchable user interface with world renowned ease of use, a design style only seen in galleries, and the stability of Unix. Nothing on the market would even come close to the Mac and M$ can only vainly forge the work of the masters, but are nothing more then cheep knock offs. Apple has all the apps for home users, as well as corporate and design professionals.

We will all know a day when computing is easy and FUN! Apple is known for their ability to take the day to day tasks and design a computer around them, instead of the WinTel way of forcing the user to adapt their inadequate and inferior reproductions. And now as the two giants turn on each other and stumble in the dark, Apple and AMD will usher in a new day of computing at every level. No more will you have to sacrifice one feature for another, or function for stability, but all will be obtainable thru the Apple of your iMac!
If you don't have Apple or AMD stock yet, you better get some, because WinTel is about to be schooled!


Scritto da Fabio | il 2002-01-30 22:13:00 |

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