Perché AMD ha scelto proprio UMC ?
The Inquirer ha pubblicato una interessante discussione sui motivi che potrebbero aver spinto AMD a scegliere proprio UMC come partner della nuova FAB35.
Certainly, AMD recognises the economics of scale and it needs, quite fast, to get a 12-inch factory going. The equation is relatively simple - you get more processors from a big wafer than a small one.
But the cost of building 12-inch fabs is not small potatoes, and AMD had signalled for nearly a year now that it was looking for a partner to help it build its future chips.
When Hector Ruiz, the man-who-would-be-king at AMD, says that "it is time to revisit the basic business model in the semiconductor business," that is not very well coded language for "we can't afford to build it ourselves".