AMD: Joint Ventures & cooperazioni

Ecco pubblicate alcune informazioni sulla neonata cooperazione fra AMD/Sun ed AMD/Infineon.

AMD & Infineon Joint Venture:
AMD and Infineon, according to the story, in German, will set up a new joint venture called the "Advanced Maskhouse" to work on future advances in semiconductor technology.
You can see the Infineon 12-inch fab when you visit the AMD Dresden fab, and the area in general is developing quite a bit of semiconductor expertise, with a high tech university nearby.

AMD & Sun Cooperation:
Which got us thinking. What will Dell Computer do now that Sun Microsystems is a PC company? This detail was overlooked yesterday, obscured by the smoke from the nine-gun salute Sun gave to Linux. And this particular paragraph was overlooked by us: "New single- and multiprocessor systems, to be announced mid-year will use the x86 architecture and be capable of running thousands of Linux applications natively."

AMD has SMP to boast about in its 64-bit Hammer range, and it's not an SMP that Sun will feel threatened by just yet. Initial samples will be 2-way only. However Sun has the potential to be the biggest OEM of AMD chips in what, for the chip veteran, are two new markets: SMP and servers. When you're trying to make a splash, it's nice to have an OEM who can guarantee large volumes. And Sun's x86 strategy effectively means that a friendly, Tier One PC manufacturer has materialized in front of AMD's Sunnyvale HQ overnight.


Scritto da Fabio | il 2002-02-08 21:58:00 |

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