Accordo fra MTV ed AMD
MTV ed AMD hanno siglato un accordo che prevede la vendita di computer dotati del pluripremiato processore Athlon XP rivolto ad un pubblico giovane e dinamico. Ecco la notizia apparsa su C|Net:
The first MTV PC, expected to be available in the spring, will feature AMD's Athlon XP processor, a flat-panel display, DVD and CD-rewritable drives, and cable TV and radio tuners. It will cost about $1,800, roughly the same as a high-end AMD-based PC from a manufacturer such as Compaq Computer
"If MTV is willing to give the product marketing exposure on its channels, the product will at the very least be seen by a broad audience," Gray said. The failings of branded devices in the past have, in many cases, been due to a lack of marketing or to high prices. MTV plans to sell the PC online at first, but it hopes retailers also will want to stock the machines.