Overclock GeForce3 Ti200-Ti500
X-Bit Lab ha pubblicato, a questo indirizzo un'articolo sull'overclock delle schede video basate su chip nvidia GeForce3 Ti200 e Ti500.
Per i test sono state apportate ad entrambe le schede alcune modifiche per aumentare il voltaggio del core e delle ram, in modo da aumentare i margini dell'overclock.
Gli incrementi di prestazioni ottenuti sono senza dubbio notevoli, soprattutto per la Ti200 che è quasi riuscita a raggiungere le prestazioni della sorella maggiore.
We can now say for sure that it hardly makes any sense to modify GeForce3 Ti500 based cards for extreme overclocking purposes: the performance growth doesn't make up for all the trouble you will have to take. Of course, you could increase the Vcore and Vmem even higher, upgrade the cooling solution with something as powerful as Dragon Orb 3 or Volcano 6 for example, or even resort to Peltier elements, but it would be really extreme overclocking then. Moreover, the pains needed to change a graphics card into such a monster are unlikely to make you completely satisfied with its performance. Thing stand a bit differently with NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti200 based cards. On the one hand, the top working frequencies of NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti200 chips make 220MHz-230MHz during traditional overclocking and 240MHz-250MHz in case of extreme overclocking. On the other hand, extreme overclocking of GeForce3 Ti200 provides a greater increase in the core frequency compared with the nominal level (175MHz), this way providing a greater performance gain in comparison with GeForce3 Ti500. As for overclocking the graphics memory of GeForce3 Ti200 based cards, it depends on the quality of the chips used. Accordingly, the lower the access time is (compared with the standard 5ns), the greater will the frequency overclock. So, if you buy a graphics card, we advise you to pay attention to the type of graphics memory used, even if you plan no overclocking experiments.
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