VIA KT333 e KT333A

Previsto per il 20 Febbraio il lancio sul mercato del nuovo chipset VIA KT333 e poco dopo del KT333A, quest'ultimo
dotato di un nuovo southbridge con supporto per la tecnologia USB 2.0.

VIA is making two variants of its up and coming KT-333 chipset.
Vlink 512 MB/s technology as well as AGP 8X support will be part of the Via KT333A. V link 512 will be implemented through a new south bridge that will have USB 2.0 support as well.
KT333 will be "just KT266A with DDR 333 support" and these new features will come several weeks after initial launch of "non" A 333 chipset.
Sources even closer to Via responded to our last article and said that the KT-333 was now unlikely to launch until the 20th of February this year.
Other independent sources confirmed Jan 17th as final date but that date is subject to change, like all of these announcements.
The significance of this is that Via will continue its strategy where revision A is a better performer than the Vanilla version. But Via is already sampling the SIS 745 on boards, putting further pressure on a launch date.


Scritto da Staff | il 2002-01-15 16:20:00 |

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