PCMark Vantage - PCMark Vantage

Pubblicato il: 2008-08-30 15:15:28
Versione: PCMark Vantage
Software House: Futuremark
Sistemi Operativi: Windows Vista
Licenza D'uso: Freeware
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Note di Versione:

Direttamente dal sito di FutureMark

To run all the tests in PCMark Vantage, the system should have the following software installed:

  • Microsoft Windows Vista operating system (32/64-bit).
  • Please note that PCMark Vantage 32-bit runs in both 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows Vista.
  • Please note that PCMark Vantage 64-bit only runs in 64-bit Microsoft Windows Vista.
  • Microsoft DirectX August 2007 Redistributable (included in the installation package).
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable x86/x64 (included in the installation package).


  • PCMark Vantage 32-bit does not run in Microsoft Windows XP.
  • PCMark Vantage 64-bit does not run in Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit.
  • It is recommended to use a clean install of Microsoft Windows Vista.
  • NTFS file system is required.

Required Hardware

  • PCMark Vantage package requires approx. 800 MB of hard disk space and running the tests requires additional 800 MB space.
  • Modern CPU with SSE2 support.
  • SM2.0 compliant graphics card for the GPU gaming test.
  • SM3.0 compliant graphics card for the GPU image manipulation test.
Questa versione è corredata con l'hitfix rilasciato a Novembre 2007



Descrizione Programma:

Benchmark che valuta le prestazioni complessive del sistema. Sul sistema deve essere installato Windows Vista in versione a 32 bit o 64 bit.

Array ( [0] => benchmark )