Strano messaggio da MSN

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Strano messaggio da MSN

Messaggiodi danielluz il 08 feb 2012, 08:36

ciao a tutti stamattina nella mia posta di hotmail ho trovato questa mail :


Virus Notification

A DGTFX Virus has been detected in your folders. Your email account has to be upgraded to our new Secured NORTON anti-virus 2012 version to prevent damages to our web mail log and to your important files. Click your reply tab, Fill the columns below and send back to us or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus.

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CM Stacker+Crossfan/ASUS P5Q PRO TURBO//E8500@4ghz+ZeroTherm FZ120/TGXTreem Dark 4GB 1066MHz 2x2GB/AsusEN-GTX 465 ZalmanVF3000F/OCZ SSD 60GB/DVD BLU-RAY LG GGC/Sata 2 WD 500GB+500GB /CorsairHX Modular PSU 620W/Panasonic Plasma Viera50"/Seven7 64/Logitech X530
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Messaggi: 1996
Iscritto il: 28 dic 2005, 22:00
Località: Arco


Re: Strano messaggio da MSN

Messaggiodi Galai il 09 feb 2012, 14:12

sicuramente spam..
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Re: Strano messaggio da MSN

Messaggiodi danielluz il 09 feb 2012, 14:38

grz bello ciao :)
CM Stacker+Crossfan/ASUS P5Q PRO TURBO//E8500@4ghz+ZeroTherm FZ120/TGXTreem Dark 4GB 1066MHz 2x2GB/AsusEN-GTX 465 ZalmanVF3000F/OCZ SSD 60GB/DVD BLU-RAY LG GGC/Sata 2 WD 500GB+500GB /CorsairHX Modular PSU 620W/Panasonic Plasma Viera50"/Seven7 64/Logitech X530
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Messaggi: 1996
Iscritto il: 28 dic 2005, 22:00
Località: Arco

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