News: OCZ EL DDR PC-3200 2-2-2

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News: OCZ EL DDR PC-3200 2-2-2

Messaggiodi Staff il 04 feb 2003, 23:13

<br>OCZ annuncia la disponibilità di nuovi moduli PC3200 a bassissima latenza.<p>
Questo l'annuncio:<p>
<blockquote><i>Feb 02, 2003 - Due to the popularity and widespread demand, OCZ had expanded the popular EL DDR line up to include PC-3200 with 2-2-2 timings. <br>

"OCZ EL DDR PC-3200 are the fastest PC-3200 modules on the market allowing 2-2-2 timings at 400Mhz. We feel that our customers demand a lower latency and a higher performance product." said Steve Lee, Director of Strategic Business Development, "OCZ will continue to forge ahead on the leading edge of technology."<br>
OCZ PC-3200 EL DDR modules are tested for 400Mhz DDR operation at 2/2/2 timings on a wide range of chipsets, making them the lowest latency PC-3200 modules on the market. <br>
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Per maggiori informazioni, andate <a href="">qui</a><p>
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