News: AMD Studio 64

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News: AMD Studio 64

Messaggiodi Staff il 14 feb 2003, 14:51

AMD ha annunciato la disponibilità di una documentazione completa sul 64Bit Computing:

<p><blockquote><i>SUNNYVALE, CA -- February 13, 2003 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced ‘Studio 64,’ an online collection of compelling text, audio and video quotes, articles, and white papers from global thought leaders on 64-bit computing. Industry visionaries, technology and science luminaries, and opinion leaders paint a picture of the 64-bit computing future. The AMD Studio 64 can be found at
“Studio 64 exemplifies AMD’s vision for pervasive 64-bit computing. Today’s digital world creates an enormous volume of data that is moving toward a head-on collision with the memory limit constraints of today’s 32-bit computing,” said Marty Seyer, vice president of server business segment, Computation Products Group, AMD. “AMD’s 64-bit vision is particularly appealing to enterprise users because it maps a successful transition to 64-bit computing that protects their investment in 32-bit infrastructure.” Initial contributors to the frequently updated compilation include several editors-in-chief of technology publications, CEOs, technology engineers, international academic leaders, and esteemed industry analysts.<p>

Nathan Brookwood, principal of Insight64 and an early contributor to Studio 64, said, “Today the 64-bit market is dominated by high-end proprietary systems. This will change dramatically over the remainder of the decade. Industry-standard 64-bit architectures will move down to the low-end of the market and up into the mid-range and high-end segments as well.The people who understand this, and who adapt their applications for these industry standard 64-bit boxes, will win big-time when these systems become available. The folks who ignore this trend and continue to focus their efforts on proprietary platforms will soon be in trouble, if they’re not there already.”</blockquote></i>
AMD Planet Staff
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