Un nuovo router wireless standard N firmato ASUS
Di seguito il comunicato stampa con cui ASUS presenta RT-N11, un nuovo router wireless standard N, ideale per realizzare una completa infrastruttura wireless tra le pareti domestiche o in ufficio in modo semplice e veloce.
La nuova soluzione firmata ASUS garantisce, infatti, la massima semplicità d'utilizzo e elevata protezione, grazie alla funzionalità ASUS EZConf. Completo e funzionale ASUS RT-N11 mette a disposizione, inoltre, 4 reti in 1 con 3 VIP Zone aggiuntive.
ASUS, leading producer of high quality wireless devices, has released the new ASUS RT-N11 EZ Wireless N Router. This top-notch 11N wireless router is able to support up to 4 multiple BSSIDs/ESSIDs and VLANs; and easily delivers secure networks with ASUS EZConfig – allowing users to set up protected networks with just a few button-pushes. In addition, users of the RT-N11 can also utilize EZManagement to easily manage and create different VIP Zones – each with their own WiFi security and bandwidth requirements. Furthermore, this top quality wireless router has also been conferred with the 2008 Taiwan Excellence award (a symbol of innovation and reliability); and is RoHS compliant to make it an environmentally friendly computing solution.
Easily Create Secure VIP Zones with ASUS EZManagement
The RT-N11 allows users to easily create VIP Zones for their friends. Integrating 4 networks into 1, users can assign up to 3 extra VIP Zones – each with their own WiFi security and bandwidth specifications. With these VIP zones, and supporting SNMP and multiple SSID, VLAN, WDS and WMM functions, the RT-N11 is able allow users to easily access and manage their network environments to fit with various usage scenarios.
Easily Setup Secure Networks with ASUS EZConfig
Comprising of EZSetup and Windows Connect Now (WCN), users can easily setup a protected WiFi network within minutes. All the user has to do is to connect the RT-N11, push the WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) button, and run the wizard. This wizard will help guide the users to a quick installation of an encrypted safety network. The RT-N11 also works perfectly with the Microsoft Vista™ operating system, and when it is connected to the PC, Windows Vista™ will automatically recognize the RT-N11 to simplify the setup. The RT-N11 supports the latest WiFi encryption standards: WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise and WPA2-Auto for the most secure wireless networks.
The RT-N11 is now WiFi 11n certified – making it inherently interoperatable with any 802.11n devices; and also adopts MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology to provide the best performance for faster speeds and broader coverage.
Tags: asus comunicazioni