Disponibili ATI Catalystâ„¢ 9.1

ATI ha annunciato la disponibilità di una nuova versione dei drive catalyst: la versione 9.1. Di seguito riportiamo l'elenco dei miglioramenti apportati con la nuova versione

Hybrid CrossFireX support for Linux

  • This release of ATI CatalystTM introduces Hybrid CrossFireX support.  Hybrid CrossFireX delivers a significant 3D performance boost for systems featuring an AMD 780G/780D integrated graphics motherboard and an ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series or ATI Radeon HD 2400 Series graphics accelerator.

Support for new Linux operating systems

  • This release of ATI CatalystTM Linux introduces support for the following new operating systems: 

        Ubuntu 8.10 production support


MultiView support:

  • This release of ATI CatalystTM Linux enables users to render applications using a multiple GPU configuration with independent displays
    • Multview can be enabled using single or multiple GPU configurations with  xinerama disabled
    • Configuration supported with Catalyst Control Center, under the display prop­erty tab.
    • Supported on any combination of the ATI RadeonTM HD 4000,  ATI RadeonTM 3000 Series and ATI RadeonTM 2000 Series of graphics cards.


Full OpenGLTM 3.0 support

This release of ATI CatalystTM provides full OpenGLTM 3.0 extension support. The following is a list of OpenGLTM 3.0 extensions added in Catalyst 9.1:

·         ARB_framebuffer_object

·         ARB_half_float_vertex

·         ARB_texture_rg

·         EXT_texture_array

·         EXT_texture_integer

·         EXT_transform_feedback

·         NV_conditional_render

·         WGL/GLX_create_context (for new 3.0 contexts)

·         GLSL 1.3

·         ARB_color_buffer_float

·         ARB_vertex_array_object

·         EXT_draw_buffers2

Tags: schede-video ati software

Scritto da Galai | il 2009-01-30 14:19:29 |